Dividend History

Ten-year dividend history of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited:

Financial year ended 30 June Total dividend per share (HK$) Interim dividend per share Final dividend per share
Amount (HK$) Payment date Amount (HK$) Payment date
Financial year ended 30 June Total dividend per share (HK$) Interim dividend per share Final dividend per share
Amount (HK$) Payment date Amount (HK$) Payment date
2019 1.25 21/3
2018 4.65 1.20 22/3 3.45 22/11
2017 4.10 1.10 23/3 3.00 23/11
2016 3.85 1.05 22/3 2.80 24/11
2015 3.35 0.95 24/3 2.40 26/11
2014 3.35 0.95* 16/4 2.40 28/11
2013 3.35 0.95* 25/4 2.40* 19/12
2012 3.35 0.95* 27/4 2.40* 20/12
2011 3.35 0.95 23/3 2.40* 19/1
2010 2.70 0.85* 4/5 1.85 6/12
2009 3.3 0.85* 5/6 1.5 5/7

* With scrip option 

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