Climate Resilience

The Group has pledged its full support for Hong Kong and the mainland's goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and 2060, respectively. To support the HKSAR Government’s Climate Action Plan 2050, we participated in the Carbon Neutrality Partnership to pursue a green economy. We are enhancing our climate change management through progressive disclosure with reference to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We are studying to develop strategy for a long-term net-zero carbon commitment in the future.

For details on the SHKP’s Decarbonization Strategies, please visit here.


Renewable Energy Development

To promote renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions, the Group has widely adopted solar-power applications across its managed properties and construction sites. The Group is building one of the city’s largest solar-energy generation networks, with about 14,600 solar panels, which will cover more than 400,000 ft2 by the end of 2023. It is expected to generate 5.6 million kWh of electricity and reduce carbon emissions by 2,600 tonnes annually.

Valais Valais
Brill Plaza Brill Plaza
International Commerce Centre International Commerce Centre
Shap Sz Heung construction site Shap Sz Heung construction site
Valais Valais
Brill Plaza Brill Plaza
International Commerce Centre International Commerce Centre
Shap Sz Heung construction site Shap Sz Heung construction site