Customer Care Ambassadors / Tenant Care Programme

The Group is fully dedicated to offering the finest customer service and was the first to introduce customer care ambassadors in its shopping centres in 1997, setting the standard for Hong Kong malls. The ambassadors provide attentive service and listen to customers' opinions about the malls to find ways to improve. The public can vote for their favourite ambassador at the ‘Serving with Heart’ Customer Ambassador Election held across the Group's malls annually. 

The Group also initiated a Tenant Care Programme in 2001 to help its shopping mall tenants compete in today's challenging retail environment and stay abreast of the latest industry trends. Testing

Customer Care Ambassadors

The Group led the market by introducing customer care ambassadors in its shopping malls as early as 1997 and turned the usual information counters into customer care centres with caring and well-trained staff. The friendly ambassadors in smart uniforms are a hallmark of the Group's malls.

The ambassadors collect customers' views on many aspects like product mix and facilities as a reference for further service enhancement. The Group also holds ‘Serving with Heart’ Customer Care Ambassador Election annually, through which shoppers can vote for their favourite ambassadors to recognize outstanding staff and enhance communication with customers.

The Group's malls offer a wide range of attentive services, including Return Anywhere for scarf, umbrella and tote bag lending, plus they provide handset battery charging, first aid assistance and much more.

The customer care centres are refurbished from time to time and the customer care ambassadors' uniforms are tailored for different malls to stay current and relevant. Testing

Tenant Care Programme


Retailers have to keep up with the times and satisfy customers' ever-changing tastes, that's why the Group is committed to enhancing the operation and service standards of its shopping malls and those of the tenant stores. So, the Group began a pioneering Tenant Care Programme in 2001 to share the latest market trends with its retail and F&B tenants and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to compete in challenging environments.



The Group organizes about four activities for tenants each year. These include seminars to enhance service and selling skills for frontline staff. The Group also shares the latest digital trends with management and marketing staff. Participants find this kind of assistance both informative and inspiring through a mix of practical advice from experience-sharing, games, and role playing as well as group discussions.

